Now, we take all I played Under The Knife. It was awesome, but the cutscenes annoyed the hell out of me. Easily the 2nd best game on the Wii right now. There are a large number of levels (60+), each unique and challenging in their own way, and no two levels are the same. The cutscenes and storylines get shorter as time goes on. Most missions are only 5 - 10 minutes, so it's a great pick-up-and-go game. You are graded on your skill and speed, so going back to obtain a better rating of most levels to unlock content is needed. It's very fun and highly challenging on some of the harder levels, when the game stops basically walking you through what to do. There's many situations that arise, and some require special abilities that you develop as the game progresses. You have a patient to work on, and you have to know what you're looking for an what to do once you find it. It get far better and more interesting as you delve into it. It's obvious he didn't play past about the 5th mission.

It get far It's too bad Baldjohn didn't give this game a chance. It's too bad Baldjohn didn't give this game a chance.