
Universe sandbox 2 green mars
Universe sandbox 2 green mars

universe sandbox 2 green mars

He’ll be implementing some of the many, many user interface designs we’ve been working on. Brian joins us after working as a frontend web engineer, and is excited to help make Universe Sandbox the best possible experience for exploring space and science. We also recently hired Brian as our new User Interface Engineer. Brent has a PhD in Physics and will be writing about all of the awesome science and simulations that Universe Sandbox can do (including writing this post – Hi Everybody 😃 ).

universe sandbox 2 green mars

New Render Scale settings to improve performance for non-gaming hardwareīrent was hired in March as our new Science Writer & Community Advocate.Added a separate elevation adjusted surface temperature map.More realistic snow simulation and better looking random rocky planets.Smoother, better performing, and explodi-er collisions.Water fills from lowest points and flows to lowest points.Splish, Splash, Filling a Bath | Update 26.3.This year has already seen two notable updates that have included many fixes to our core simulation, a few new features, and improvements to the Universe Sandbox experience. What have we already done in 2021? Demonstrating some of the features and improvements that have already been added to Universe Sandbox in 2021. View our “ What’s New” for a chronological list of changes. More realistic explosions with better simulated gas particles.Objects retain lasting surface damage with craters and scorched areas.More customizable colors and laser improvements, including the “Wave Maker” laser.Smoother simulated transitions between gas giant, brown dwarf, and full fledged star.Star Fusion & the Brown Dwarves | Update 26.1.Better looking collision fragments, rocky planets, and liquid water.Reimagined user interface with a customizable bottom bar.

universe sandbox 2 green mars

  • We brought the full desktop experience into VR.
  • Reimagined Experience – Unified VR & Desktop | Update 26.
  • Improved energy calculations even more with laser, explosions, and impacts.
  • Even more custom color options for clouds, city lights, asteroids, and galaxies.
  • Even More Colors in Space | Update 25.2.
  • Improved how multiple light sources interact, particularly with atmospheres.
  • Added randomizable city lights to all planets.
  • Major graphics performance improvements which allowed us to improve surface simulation.
  • Rewrote the tidal heating model and temperature calculations.
  • In 2020 we had two major updates and a few minor updates as well. What did we do in 2020? Demonstrating some of the many features and improvements that were added to Universe Sandbox in 2020. We wanted to share some of the exciting plans we have for upcoming features including terrain manipulation, an expanded materials system, and more, that we have for the rest of the year (and a bit beyond). Last year we worked hard to make Universe Sandbox even better, and we’ve continued that work into this year with two updates already.

    Universe sandbox 2 green mars