From the list of updates, please select your previous version. Click on the Online Update button followed by the Update to Specific Version option. Click the Windows Start menu, select Program Files, RealFlight (or RealRace) and then the RealFlight Control Panel (or RealRace Control Panel). To verify this, return to the version of the software that you were using prior to noticing the difficulty. Next, click Download Specific Version, select the latest version, and click on the Completely Refresh checkbox.Īlternately, a bug or difficulty might have been introduced with the updated download of the software. Click on the Online Update button followed by the Clear Download Cache button. To do so, click the Start menu, select Program Files, RealFlight (or RealRace) and then the RealFlight Control Panel (or RealRace Control Panel). If the PC has sufficient space, clear the Download Cache and update the software once again. That is, the actual file transfer may have failed.Ĭheck to make sure you have sufficient space on your hard drive. Something might have gone wrong during the transfer of files from the web site to your PC. There are several possible causes for this difficulty.

Remove the original RealFlight CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive and insert the G2 Upgrade CD-ROM in its place.The installation fix is NOT needed for computers that use Windows XP. Note: If you are installing the software on a PC with Windows 2000, you will need the Install Fix. Reinstall the original RealFlight software.Additionally, we suggest that you check to make sure that the c:\program files\realflight directory is completely gone. Click OK to remove the software accordingly. Click each of the boxes to ensure that ALL RealFlight files are removed from your PC. Click the Start menu, select Program Files/RealFlight/ RealFlight Control Panel.

If you have already attempted to install the Generation 2 Upgrade disk, use the RealFlight Control Panel.